Library Resources
BKSM/Grace Cathedral Library
Since its founding in 2013, the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry has been accumulating a substantial theological library through several generous benefactors. In Fall 2016, BKSM and Grace Cathedral, Topeka, decided to combine libraries. Thanks to the volunteer ministry of professional librarian and educator LeRoy Dagg, the project is nearing completion. You can read more about LeRoy's story here.
The library has a wide range of books available in its lending collection to assist BKSM students prepare for class presentations and complete course assignments, and it provides a wealth of resources to equip individuals, lay and ordained, engage in church ministry.
Anyone can explore the library's 2000+ book (and growing) collection by searching the library's online database.
If you would like make a financial contribution to enhance BKSM library services, please contact the Very Rev. Dr. Don Compier, BKSM dean, at [email protected].
St. David’s Church Library, Topeka
St. David’s Episcopal Church, Topeka, also has an church library that they gladly make available to BKSM students. You can access their catalog by following this link:
If you find a book you would like to borrow, please call the church office at (785) 272-5144 or email them at [email protected] for assistance.
Your Local Library
While the online resources through Nazarene Theological Seminary, combined with books located in Topeka, may be enough for many students, students are also encouraged to visit their local library to inquire about inter-library loan assistance. With enough planning ahead, libraries even in the smallest of communities can acquire books to help you complete your coursework.