Biblical Hebrew 101: May 2021-May 2022
BKSM's Biblical Hebrew program utilizes innovative methodologies to teach Biblical Hebrew in ways that are accessible, engaging, and memorable. Using online video-conferencing via Zoom, students will acquire the skills to beginning reading scripture in its original language.
The class is specifically designed to accommodate different levels of experience learning languages and various amounts of time students are able to work on assignments at home. The role of rote memorization is absolutely minimized.
The program has a three-year progression. Year one focuses on the basics of reading Hebrew, and year two moves to an intermediate level. The third year is an open-ending reading group that will read and translate the biblical texts from the Sunday Revised Common Lectionary along with the Church Year, with a focus on aiding those who preach, teach, and worship using those texts.
Advanced placement is available for those with previous Hebrew experience.
Contact us if you are interested in advanced placement.
The course will start the third week of May and will be one hour, one day per week *entirely* on Zoom. The instructor will poll interested students and find the day/time that works best for most.
Students work on assignments from home at their own pace. If you are interested and this class time does not work for you, please contact the instructor.
This course operates on a rolling monthly basis, and students will be exposed to more advanced material until they are able to participate in the Lectionary Reading Group.
Required Texts/Resources
- Dobson, John H. Learn Biblical Hebrew (MUST be 2nd edition)
- Students also will need to have a computer or mobile device that runs Zoom, reliable internet access, and a headset/headphones with a microphone (this is essential to reduce background noise during Zoom sessions)
The cost is $100/month, payable either monthly, bi-monthly, or per semester. Also, the $100 Jim Upton Lay Scholarship is available to lay students enrolled in this course.
Richard Liantonio is a Ph.D. Candidate in Hebrew Bible at the University of Manchester (UK), a member of the Executive Committee of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars, and a Postulant for Holy Orders in the Diocese of West Missouri. His dissertation research focuses on a cognitive linguistic analysis of happiness language in the Psalms and ancient Near Eastern literature. He has a broad background of over fifteen years of teaching and ministry in evangelical, charismatic, and liturgical religious settings. Richard earned a B.A. in Bible from Houghton College and a research M.A. in Theological Studies with a certificate in Biblical Languages from Nazarene Theological Seminary.