August 2021 Course Descriptions
Christian Spirituality
This course will introduce you to the basic Christian themes of spirituality and discipleship of the pre-Reformation western church, primarily through the lens of the major movements of evangelization and reform that were utilized to proclaim and spread the Good News. This course will explore the approaches to prayer, service to the vulnerable, and a life in community, that were taught in these varying – and still - living traditions, all of which has an impact on the spirituality of the 21st century and can be utilized in your personal prayer life and in your ministry. Required Texts
Christian Theology II provides a biblical, historical, and systematic overview of the following Christian concepts: Christ and Salvation, the Holy Spirit, Church and Sacraments, and Eschatology. The goal of this course is to provide diaconal candidates (as well as lay persons interested in personal enrichment) with a theological foundation for effective ministry in the world today. Required Texts
Homiletics for Lay Preachers This course provides students an overview of basic homiletical principles as these pertain to the ministry of lay preaching. Students will offer practice sermons. Reading List
Old Testament 2 This course is a close examination of the Pentateuch/Torah and the historical books of the Hebrew Bible (which, for our purposes, will include Gen, Exod, Lev, Num, Deut, Josh, Judg, 1 and 2 Sam, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chr). The course will focus on the historical settings, literary artistry, and major themes of these books and is meant to equip participants with the tools necessary to read biblical texts critically and to appreciate their complexity. To these ends we will read the biblical text primarily from the perspectives of its ancient authors and readers. Required Texts
BKSM welcomes you to take courses with us for personal enrichment or continuing education. Classes are richer with occasional students around the table. We encourage you to experience this remarkable, uplifting community of learning, worship and fellowship for yourself!
August Overview